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Hassle-Free Online Doctors Platform

If you live in a rural area, you can rely on Doktors app as your primary healthcare platform. We understand that some patients find it difficult to use technology and need help installing third-party applications and plugins. We, as healthcare professionals, place a high value on proper care. We cannot give our patients the proper care they need if we cannot connect with them. So we have eliminated all the technical problems that can stop people from getting remote medical care using Doktors app.

Health and Medical

Doktors is an online service that allows you to see a doctor without having to travel or wait in line. We have a network of over a hundred Indian specialists who can help you with your secondary care needs. You can book an appointment with us today and connect with a specialist at your convenience

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All-Day Online Doktors Services

Doktors app services are available all the time. You can call or chat with a Doktors app online at any time that is convenient for you to discuss your condition and get the prescriptions you need. We want to make it easy for you to get medical services. People in rural areas can especially benefit from Doktors' video consultation services. Rural communities often have trouble getting professional medical help, which can be life-threatening in urgent situations. We can mail prescription to their nearest pharmacy to eliminate the need for them to travel and make it easier for them.

Video Consultation Process

In-clinic Appointment Booking

Live Chat with A Doctor

There are many Indian specialists in the medical field.

Our large network of specialists can help you with many different conditions. You can get help from them no matter where you live or what your condition is. Our platform will also help rural Indians who have to travel long distances and wait to see a specialist doctor.

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Still Have Questions?

We can be reached anytime.

Do not hold yourself and seek information from our team of ever-willing enthusiasts. Pick- up a phone and speak to our customer service officer or write to us. Communicating with our visitors is an enriching experience for us.

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