Paperless Prescription

Clearly Legible, Always Accessible

E-prescription is preferred over paper prescription by doctors, patients, and pharmacies alike. The Doktors app and website store the e-prescriptions generated by the doctors for their patients. Therefore, the patients need not preserve their e-prescriptions when they follow-up with their doctors.

Doktors Way

Paperless Prescription

Clearly Legible, Always Accessible

E-prescription is preferred over paper prescription by doctors, patients, and pharmacies alike. The Doktors app and website store the e-prescriptions generated by the doctors for their patients. Therefore, the patients need not preserve their e-prescriptions when they follow-up with their doctors.

Doktors Way

Advantages Of


Advantage For Pharmacies

  More time available to deliver the medicines

  Less time taking for reading and understanding the prescription

  prescription given by the patient can be readable and also gets profit in delivering the online medicines.

Advantage For Patients

  High level of clarity and legibility

  Maintenance of prescription history

  Relief from lost prescriptions

  prescription given by the doctor is very clear and easy to understand. The prescription given by the doctor can be saved for future use.

Advantage For Doctors

  Less time to write

  Right medicines to the patients

  offers best medications to the patients by saving the time.

Process done in the E-prescription

E-prescriptions are generated by consulting doctors after their online discussions with the patients are complete. Such online consultations include both instant and by appointment consultations.

Booking an appointment

Doctor consultation

Discussing about health problem

Giving the advice's

Patients can feel free to discuss their problem through online consultation, the virtually written prescription can be given by the doctor to the patient. The prescription can be safe and secure in the Doktors for the future reference.

By using Doktors all over Indians can visit the online doctors

The prescription is done in the papers by the doctor, and carried out by the patients to the pharmacies. But in the DOKTORS the E-prescription is stored in the website after consultation of the doctor by the patient. this shows the patient do not carry the E-prescription after the first consultation.

By using Doktors all over Indians can visit the online doctors.

In metro politician cities or in rural areas or in all over India we can consult the online doctors through DOKTORS with safe and secure at any time through out the day/night.

This DOKTORS allows the medication of the patient very quickly which are easy to collect from near pharmacy.

The patient suffering from sick and illness can consult through video call by DOKTORS.

The pharmacies near by the patient can provide individual rooms for consulting a doctor by video calls.

It is very helpful in this day to day life to save the time and energy for doctor appointment.

The medications given by the doctor can easily find in our local pharmacies.

The main motto of the Doktors is provide best services to the patient as well as possible.

Taking appointment is an easy process for consulting a doctor.

Doktors is the best way to consult a specialized doctor without having to travel, and it also helps in taking medical assistance in difficult cases where local doctors and clinics are not available.

The Doktors maintain a good relation towards the patients not only treating illness.

The main motto of the Doktors is provide best services to the patient as well as possible.

Maintaining of privacy policies plays vital role in face to face consultation. i.e can feel free to talk with doctors in your native place.

Doctors can provide all the medications through face to face online consultation and in emergency it doesn't gets possible.

Our doctors can provide medications for many health conditions like colds and flu, fevers, ear infections, tonsillitis, allergies, migraines, nausea, urinary tract infections, muscle aches, ear aches with secure and privacy in storing of data.

And feel free to consult a doctor for some child infection like ear infection, fever, diarrhoea, cough etc..,

E-Prescription ?

Patients discussing their health issues with our doctors online. This will be issued as digitally written prescription instead of the traditional paper prescription. This e-prescription will be visible to the patient. They can access and share it with whoever they wants to. This prescription will remain safe and secure on our platform for future reference.

E-Prescription ?

Patients discussing their health issues with our doctors online. This will be issued as digitally written prescription instead of the traditional paper prescription. This e-prescription will be visible to the patient. They can access and share it with whoever they wants to. This prescription will remain safe and secure on our platform for future reference.

Save Your Time

Your Time is Precious To Us

E-prescription is preferred over paper prescription by doctors, patients, and pharmacies alike. The Doktors app and website store the e-prescriptions generated by the doctors for their patients. Therefore, the patients need not preserve their e-prescriptions when they follow-up with their doctors.


Process done in the E-prescription

E-prescriptions are generated by consulting doctors after their online discussions with the patients are complete. Such online consultations include both instant and by appointment consultations.

Booking an appointment
Doctor consultation
Discussing about health problem
Giving the advice's